Carrum Downs Scquilters

Photo diary of the monthly meetings of Carrum Downs Scquilters (at the Carrum Downs Library/Community Centre) on the first Wednesday of each month. We are all members of the Australasian Quilting group Southern Cross Quilters. The Library/Community Centre is located on Lyrebird Crescent - just near the corner of Hall Road - Melway page 100 ref: H3 (see L for library at location. If you need more information e-mail me or phone 0417263958.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

December Christmas Meeting of Carrum Downs Scquilters

First some very important information. At our next get together on Wednesday 7th of February, a nice lady will be coming to photograph our quilts etc. - so bring along as many as you can. She is interested in every day quilts and is building up a collection of ordinary quilters quilts in digital form. So, perfection is not required - this will bcome an historic record of the quilts we all make and use. In other wors, everyday quilts.
Also back is another lovely lady who taught a shashiko class a few months ago and who came back for our Christmas extraaganza, will be teaching those who missed out on her first class. $20 for the complete kit.

Now that is over, some personal trivia to explain the absense of our blog and myself over almost the last half of 2017.

Yes, that's right, I was back, fit and well after missing every get together since -- er July ... I think. I have had big adventures, in the following order:

(including a remarkable fall down the back stairs of the Salamanca Place Fairy shop, where I took out several fairy displays as well as metres of beads)

Where I played Berlin  bingo (like wanker bingo, only different), saw lots of beautiful places, apart from Bruges (where I managed to have an asthma attack, and spent the entire 4 days in hospital on oxygen, steroids and the worst hospital food I have ever seen)

Where I managed a few spectacular falls, including a very impressive dive into one of our rosemary bushes.

Anyway I was in full flight for our best ever fabulous Christmas party. Everyone brought the nicest food and our food and Christmas decorations gift swaps as well as some great  show and tell which you will see - I did lose my notes, so it will be a guessing game for some of the work shown. Apologies ahead of the inevitable mistakes.

 Here is a beautifully decorated bag from Marilyn L. Take note those going to the retreat for your Island bags. I know I have.

 Dianne G is almost finished of crossstitch of the month. Such beautiful work and a gorgous (free) pattern!

 Also from D.G. her first attempt at shashiko - from the class held here. So looking forward to my lesson on the 7th!

 Dianne R has acually made the tea bag scarf that Jill Sparks enrcouraged us to make at the Mildura retreat. Jill's was a work of art and so is Dianne's. Very well done Di. You get 4 stars for completing this.

 Beautiful - but I forget!!!!Sorry.

 I "think" this loely work is from Sandra. It is coming along beautifully.

 Very pretty dragon flies - shashiko? Sandra?

 Gorgeous cross stitch daffodils from, once again I think it is Deidre.

 All of the aboe beautiful African textile work was gien to Deidre and her husband on their recent trip to Africa. Our lovely Deidre has been volunteering her nursing and midwifery skills in Africa for many years and these items were made specially as a thank you to her, plus they thought her husband was nice!

 Socks - well could be?

 Two lovely quilts from Bev/ I adore the colour combination as well as the layout/

 Janette has finished the same cross stitch as Dianne G has shown above. Striking in all blue. It is a fabulous pattern.

 I brought in this gorgous card, made by one of the lovely ladies in my Monday group. Isn't it clever?

 Me showing off my Christmas dress and not falling over.

 When you are somewhere in Europe (Budapest I think) and see this wallet and it has your name on it - what can you do?

 A little stitchery I was working on. Love penguins!

This work is from Pam - many of you will remember her and her fantastic work. She is no longer able to join us, but still comes to my Monday group. The Millefore quilt - all hand sewn. We would expect no less from Pam - well done.

So don't forget to bring along your quilts on Wednesday 7th as well as $20 if you want to do the Shako class. Details of where we meet is at the top of the blog'
I can be contacted on 0417263958 (except during my daily afternoon siesta) or

so bye for now from your roving (far and wide) reporter,
Helen Eans or Helen Riordan Eans on Facebook

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