Carrum Downs Scquilters

Photo diary of the monthly meetings of Carrum Downs Scquilters (at the Carrum Downs Library/Community Centre) on the first Wednesday of each month. We are all members of the Australasian Quilting group Southern Cross Quilters. The Library/Community Centre is located on Lyrebird Crescent - just near the corner of Hall Road - Melway page 100 ref: H3 (see L for library at location. If you need more information e-mail me or phone 0417263958.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Special Bauble Headband Turorial

 Clear veterinary reminder from table

Make cup of tea (preferably early grey)

Ensure your audience is both attentive and sober

As you can see, all you need are a small/medium pack of small baubles (large balls tend to get int the way), a pair of old bluntish scissors, some curling ribbon. Ensure audience is attentive and sober - ah have all been milked (except for bull).

Time to ditch the tea - there is no need for the tutor to remain sober

Measure enough of the garden plastic stuff to go around your head - add quite a bit extra to twist closed when finished - more is better than less - you can always trim later. Measure and fold exactly at half way point.

Take a break and drink some some champagne

Start in the middle by threading baubles onto pre cut garden tie. You can either thread on as pictures, or tie each one on with some curling ribbon. If threading on, secure on either side with curling ribbon. If you are particularly anal, you can choose matching baubles and curling ribbon. I am not.

Oops! Time for a refill.

Keep adding until you have enough baubles to dazzle any Christmas event - ensure roughly even numbers on each end of your middles baubles.

Measure garden green stuff around you head and twist -very well- to secure. cut off excess.

Cover the un-baubled area (if you have any) with any wired, snazzy ribbon, such as this one, or florist's tape, by winding around the un-baubled area.

And there you have it .....almost.

It you have some snazzy tinsel you want to use instead (or are just tired and emotional), you can just measure off and twist to size, and then just wrap the sentinel around the garden twine - you will need to use a glue gun just to secure it every now and then.

Here we have a "volunteer" from the audience (he was out of shot earlier), modelling two examples of what can be done with the listed ingredients. You may need more or less champagne than me, but either way I hope I have listed everything. Of couse you are only limited by your imagination - bells, other ribbons, and all sorts of Christmas decorations can be added, if you like.

That's all for now.
Carrum Downs
Roving Reporter,
Helen Evans

If there are any mistakes, I am sure Melody will let you know and point you in the right direction.

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