Carrum Downs Scquilters

Photo diary of the monthly meetings of Carrum Downs Scquilters (at the Carrum Downs Library/Community Centre) on the first Wednesday of each month. We are all members of the Australasian Quilting group Southern Cross Quilters. The Library/Community Centre is located on Lyrebird Crescent - just near the corner of Hall Road - Melway page 100 ref: H3 (see L for library at location. If you need more information e-mail me or phone 0417263958.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday 8th July 2009

Hello everyone! It was a great day, as usual at Carrum Downs last week. There was wall to wall Dear Janes as well as other interesting show and tell. The usual suspects were all in attendance which made it a day of lively discussion and lots of sharing of ideas, recipes and knowledge! Unfortunately it was also another day of me losing the notes I took about show and tell! So I will do my best to write up all the details - please, please e-mail me to correct me on any details or if you have found my notebook - "oldtimers disease" strikes again.

This quilt was made for charity by an unknown quilter and Laurel offered to quilt and bind it. Which she has done beautifully. The half square traingle pattern look very striking.

Fran's polyhedron star Christmas decoration - which she was teaching on the day. Looks very nice.

Di R brought along an antique pin cushion version of the same star. 60 diamonds for Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee - which was in 1897!! Di borrowed this from a friend who inherited it. What a wonderful thing to have!

This is Robyn's gorgeous "bed runner" - note the beaded ends! I just adore the fabrics in this.

Robyn's wall hanging for her sewing room - tres beautiful.

Miriam hard at work on the magnificent quilt she ia making - see last month's photos as well.

And now, for something completely different - Dear Jane Day!!!!!

Miriam's exquisite DJ blocks - Miriam has a whole folder or printed DJ pages detailing the blocks, fabrics etc. I am so envious.

Robyn's lovely DJ in buttermilk and a wonderful blue.

Now, this is where the old memory is a tad hazy - is this yours Sandra? Helen Y?

These two are Pam's - love the colours

Here we have Sally's lovely blue and white DJ - almost finished the top

Lovely Louise's - on point. a classic.

Bar's magnificent DJ - and all done too! More photos in a sec....

Virginia's blue beauty - the first finished !

Bar's Dj - what can I say??? Gorgeous!

Back to Virginia's finished in blues - well used, which is as it should be.

A WIP stitchery - love the teapot.

A bushfire quilt - a big QS one with blocks from my Monday girls and put together by a few of us - mainly by me - Helen E.

another bushfire quilt. The hexagons were donated by ladies in W.A. The hexagons were assembled by Wendy & Rosemary from the Cranbourne Regional Uniting Church and Rosemary quilted it - a wonderful effort!

Yet another busfire quilt fromt he Uniting Church group - this one all done by Tracey - for a little boy!

A Christmas Quilt - part panel, part Sandra for her shop - beautiful!

The beautiful fairyland quilt - and matching pillowcase (?) a splendid effort from Dianne.

Frans's quilt from her "Around the world" group - this theme was connections - so Fran used family photos to great effect.

Wyn's magnificent shashiko quilt - look closely at the quilted circels in the sashing!

More pics of this wonderful quilt - Wyn can you help me? Who quilted it?

And Sandra's "apple core" (panty liner?) pre cut fabric shapes - turned into a beautiful cushion. A great gift idea.

Here's Hermione! What a smile!

L to R - Louise & Robyn working hard. Helen Y and Ginny in full gossip mode.

Maggy - trying to look like she is working on her Christmas stitchery quilt. The blue and white is spectacular.

Fran polyhedroning!

Lovely Laurel - sewing on that binding.

Pam, Marilyn & Marona - all watching something interesting.
And that's it for another month - until Wednesday August 5th when we meet again.
Also don't forget - we will have a bushfire Christmas decoration working bee for our October meeting, so bring along any patterns and ideas to our August and September get-togethers.
your roving reporter
Helen Evans
Devon Meadows, Vic

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