Carrum Downs Scquilters

Photo diary of the monthly meetings of Carrum Downs Scquilters (at the Carrum Downs Library/Community Centre) on the first Wednesday of each month. We are all members of the Australasian Quilting group Southern Cross Quilters. The Library/Community Centre is located on Lyrebird Crescent - just near the corner of Hall Road - Melway page 100 ref: H3 (see L for library at location. If you need more information e-mail me or phone 0417263958.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wednesday 7th May Biggest Morning Tea

Before I get on with the report from our May get together, I want to mention some special activities planned for our meeting on Wednesday June 4th. We will be having a big party to celebrate our 10th Anniversary! There will be a party cake, decorations, a special prize for the best decorated party hat, lots of reminiscing and much,much more! We want to see as many of the "oldies" & "originals" as we can get to come along and help us celebrate, and we are asking that eveyone brings along a plate to share for lunch!
For Show & Tell we ask that, as well as your latest & greatest projects, we take a trip down memory lane. So bring along anyhting you have made from classes held at one of our meetings, or anything you have of ten years (or more) vintage!
Back to our May meeting.....It was a wonderful "Biggest Morning Tea" - held in conjunction with our May meeting. All shades of pink were worn to support the theme of the day and there was also a lot of pink show & tell, as you will see! The star of the day was Robyn, who had her hair specially "pinked" for the occasion. I would like ot thank Sandra, Jo, Marilyn & Wyn for our magnificent morning tea selection & also a big thank you to Mariyn, who made up a great raffle prize - a prize won by yours truly! I was able to supply the most of the gals at my Phillip Island Retreat with chocolates as a result!!
I must aopologise for the photo quality - even though I adjusted all photos with the Picassa program, something went wrong in the translation , so I couldn't use quite a few of the photos, including Robyn in all her pink glory, and please just make allowances for the poor quality this time.

Di M.'s WIP

Was this Dianne R's wip?? Di?

Sig squares for Perth - now swapped!

The lovely Wyn with her work

Marilyn with an absolutely gorgeous applique Angel WIP

Kate's Shashiko QAYG from Ballarat.

Helen E's WIP

Miriam's PHD - a lovely hand pieced starburst quilt - beautiful fabrics!

Maggy's Pink Show & Tell - a beaded raspberry scissor keeper. Really sweet! Lovely to have you back Maggy - neck brace & all!

Cynthia's disappearing 9 patch with I Spy fabrics - for her grandson.

Jennifer's pink stencilled quilt - beautifully quilted.

Marilyn's triumph - an ab fab appliqued, hand quilted creation of great beauty. It only took her three years. Anyone else - it would take a lifetime!

Sally ( on her side!) showing us her one & only pink creation. Very Un-Sally, but a great quilt - sorry, UFO.

Kate's lovely machine embroidery medallion quilt in pinks

Kate's machine embroidered cushion - note Kate lurking darkly in the background ( courtesy "Camera Helenus")

Ramona with the first showing of the "Cotton tails" raffle quilt. Foundation pieced from Mardi Mitchell templates/pattern, beautifully by those cute little cotton tails in the Dandenong Ranges, and quilted by our very own Hermione.

Wendy brought along her pink Bulls Eye Heart quilt - so pretty and fitting our theme beuatifully.

And...Speaking of the lovely Hermione - we had a lot of catching up to do with Hermione's show & tell as she had missed a meeting or three ( and no note!). This first quilt "merry go round" managed to eat three moda jelly rolls

Hermione put two diferent blocks together to mae this clever quilt. What a great use of colour!

In this masterpiece, Hermione used half square trangles in a completely random scrap quilt. The close up aboved makes them look a reasonable size, but as you will see from the picture below, tha actual size of the squares was 1/millionth of an inch - could have been less.

Hermione - the last of her finishing spree - a lovely churn dash in antique fabric.

Random crowd shots!
Until next time,
your roving reporter.
Helen Evans

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