Jo made this gorgeous quilt, using Australian fabrics for her "daughter" as a wedding quilt. "Daughter" worked at Uluhru, so the Aussie theme was most appropriate. As always - a beautiful quilt from Jo.
Some exquisite crochet work from Maggy, who amazes us with the new stitches she continues to learn, despite her recent setbacks. Good on you Maggy!
Marilyn has finished this amazing UFO - "Ring Cycle" by Leesa Siegal. A simply gorgeous quilt.
Meanwhile, I (Helen) brought along a Gail Pan stitchery to work on, while I showed Kathy how to foundation piece the following.
Kathy put this together so well - a yummy peppermint/choc ice cream!
Here is a panel, I am quilting for my 11 week old great niece. I brought it along unfinished, as I want to get it finished and given to little Maggie asp. I saw the end product in the Mildura quilt shop while at the retreat and fell in love with it - didn't even realise it was a panel.
Jeanette brough along an old project last month - Japanese Ginko - and has fallen in love with it - particularly as she is now working on the project in her chosen colours - and don't they look fantastic.
Kathy was away last month - doing a class in Lennox Head, with June Macdonald - who proved to be a wonderful tutor. Here, she is showing us he beautiful QAYG table runner - a great project.
Sheila brought along some hexigons she has been working on in 20s fabrics. Looking very lovely - I believe she did one stitch on the day - so much time spent catching up. Once again - welocme back Sheila x
Deidre, as usual, has been knittinf/crocheting away on donations of baby clothes to take to Africa on her next trip there - which is comig up very soon. What a beautiful little dress!
Pam has been trying to find the best pattern for these bags used hold IV drugs, so those using them can get out and about. Once Pam has the right pattern I am sure we can all have a go at making some.
Virginia, working away on her hexagon masterpiece. Go Virginia!
This lovely sewing kit was designed and made by Lynne. I was lucky enough to win her goody bag at the Mildura retreat. Thank you Lynne, I love it!
In my notes, I mention a basket quilt made by Ramona -our erstwhile photographer Ramona neglected to take a photo of her lovely quilt - we will have to see it again!
A few notes: Vic quilters are holding a Back Basting workshop on August 14th. Ring Lola Petschauer 53582905 for details
Vic Quilters Shwcase is on again this week from Thursday 27th in Jeffs Shed. Always a fabulous show.
Geelong Quilters Exhibition is on 24-26 November at Deakin Uni Waterfront Campus, including a special "Quilts tell stories" exhibition of vintage quilts.
Visits to Tasmania and Europe will, sadly, prevent me attending again until our November meeting. I hope that the blog - even if it is only pictures, will continue in my absense.
Thanks everyone for a great day!
Your roving (a lot these next months) reporter,